Steuerberatung Prof. Liv Jacobsen, Berlin - Steuerberater für Startups, digitale Steuerkanzlei, Buchführung und Lohnbuchhaltung, Kosten und Preisbeispiele

Steuerberatung Prof. Liv Jacobsen, Berlin - Steuerberater für Startups, digitale Steuerkanzlei, Buchführung und Lohnbuchhaltung, Kosten und Preisbeispiele

We offer excellent
performance at fair
prices. A preliminary consultation
is free of charge.

Object value
and effort make
the price

Prof. Liv Jacobsen, Berlin - Steuerberaterin für Startups, digitale Steuerkanzlei, Buchführung und Lohnbuchhaltung

Dr. Liv Kirsten Jacobsen
CEO, Steuerberaterin

We will be happy to clarify the question of which type of our services make sense for you in an initial free consultation. We attach great importance to presenting our prices transparently (which, admittedly, is not always easy due to the Remuneration Ordinance). Please take a look at the sample invoices below. If you have any questions, please call or email us and we will prepare a concrete offer for you.


For an initial consultation, the German Ordinance on Fees for Tax Consultants provides for a maximum fee of EUR 180 plus expenses and VAT. We are guided by this value. For ongoing advice, for example when preparing your tax returns and annual financial statements and bookkeeping, the fee is based on the middle decile rates of the tax consultant fee table. Ultimately, the final price is determined by the value of the matter and the work involved.

Steuerberatung Prof. Liv Jacobsen, Berlin - Steuerberater für Startups, digitale Steuerkanzlei, Buchführung und LohnbuchhaltungSteuerberatung Prof. Liv Jacobsen, Berlin - Steuerberater für Startups, digitale Steuerkanzlei, Buchführung und Lohnbuchhaltung

Our service pays off. Because with good advice, your company will thrive.

We are not barracudas, we usually even save you money. Because in order to operate correctly under tax law, to develop your company further and to make decisions with foresight, you need good advisors. This is where we come in...



The statutory remuneration regulations for tax consultants are not easy to understand. However, our price examples provide an initial indication of the costs you can expect:

Costs Price according to fee agreement
Bookkeeping setup 100 EUR one-off
Booking & completing receipts 85 EUR/h, billed to the nearest 10 minutes
Sorting/scanning of receipts 85 EUR/h, billed to the nearest 10 minutes
Corrected VAT statement 25 EUR per item
DATEV-Unternehmen Online usage fees from EUR 14/month (EUR 10.50 for the portal, from EUR 3.50 for storage space)
  Service StBVV Fee*
Individual Income tax return (wages only) § 24 (1) 1, § 27
  Income tax return (wages, rents, income upon investments) (V&V, Kapitaleinkünfte) § 24 (1) 1, § 27
Sole proprietor Income tax return (with statement of revenues and expenditures) § 24 (1) 1
Small corporation Corporation tax return § 24 (1) 3
  Local business tax return § 24 (1) 5  
  VAT return § 24 (1) 8  
  Annual financial statement (balance sheet and income statement) § 35 (1) 1a  
Larger corporation Corporation tax return § 24 (1) 3
  Local business tax return § 24 (1) 5  
  VAT return § 24 (1) 8  
  Annual financial statement (balance sheet and income statement) § 35 (1) 1a  
  Notes § 35 (1) 1b  
  Lagebericht § 35 (1) 1c  
Small association Corporation tax return § 24 (1) 3
  Statement of revenues and expenditures §§ 19-22 EStG  
  VAT return § 24 (1) 8  
Larger association Corporation tax return § 24 (1) 3
  Balance sheet and income statement § 35 (1) 1a  
  VAT return § 24 (1) 8  

* Fees depend on the relevant assessment base and cannot be determined as a lump sum in advance. The cost examples only provide an informative basis.

Additional costs StBVV Fee
Tax return verification § 28 on a time basis, at least 110 EUR
Reimbursement of expenses for fees up to 400 EUR § 16 15 EUR
Reimbursement of expenses for fees over 400 EUR § 16 30 EUR
Publication of financial statement at eBundesanzeiger (for corporations)  

125 EUR

Electronic financial statment (E-Bilanz)   110 EUR
Opening Balance §35 (1) 4 at least 150 EUR
Service Price acc. fee agreement
Payroll accounting per month 16 EUR
Payroll accounting shift wages/construction wages/KUG per month 32 EUR
Registration and deregistration of employees 16 EUR
Certificates 16 EUR
AAG application 8.50 EUR
Expenses (if the documents are sent by e-mail) 5 EUR
Any Datev fees incurred will be passed on.  
Service Price according to fee agreement
Completion of tax questionnaire, application for tax number, VAT ID no., permanent extension, incl. all consultations and arrangements with the FA****      according to time spent with 115 EUR/h
Opening balance sheet from 150 EUR
Basic tax advice (topics: the German tax system, accounting basics, social security and hiring employees) at a rate of 185 EUR/h based on time spent
**** The business registration is to be carried out by the client himself  
Service Price according to fee agreement
Initial consultation, advice and information max. 180 EUR
Hourly rate for tax advice 185 EUR/h
Hourly rate for special tax advice (structuring advice, business succession, expert opinions & professional statements, due diligence) 275 EUR/h
Hourly rate for annual financial statements 115 EUR/h
Hourly rate for financial accounting/payroll accounting 85 EUR/h
Hourly rate for office assistance 85 EUR/h


In a free preliminary consultation, we will be happy to clarify with you which of our services are right for you. Please feel free to contact us, we look forward to hearing from you.

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